Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nursing Homes are a Haven for the Elderly Essay -- Nursing Homes Perso

Nursing Homes are a Haven for the Elderly A.) Security 1.)Curfews 2.)Lost faculties (No need to drive) 3.)Away from con-artists B.) Activities 1.)Entertainment/Songs (Brownies example) 2.)Activities/Crafts (Beta Club example) 3.)People of similar age C.)Health Care 1.)Takes stress off of the family 2.)Help with prescriptions and medicine 3.)In case of emergency... The Nursing Home: A Haven for the Elderly Today's nursing homes are excellent environments for our elderly. These establishments provide health care, entertainment, security, and above all, a home for over 1,000,000 American citizens over age 70. There is no better place for an individual who is slowly losing his or her faculties. During one's "golden years," one should not have to worry about daily chores like washing the dishes or mowing the lawn. One should be able to relax and enjoy life. Nursing homes give the elderly a chance to do just that. Security is a primary focus in most nursing homes. Curfews exist to insure the safety and protection of the residents. Also, busses take the senior citizens to places of common interest, such as the grocery store and local shopping malls. This alleviates the everyday stress of driving for those residents who are losing some of their basic faculties, and creates a safer driving environment for everyone. In addition, these ol...

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